From 31 August 2022, commands that are sent through plain messages that do not mention GroceryBot will stop working. This is a policy change by Discord. You can either mention GroceryBot, or use the new slash commands that we've developed.*
(Press Read More for more info)
*except !grobulk
- this is on our roadmap as we are waiting for Discord to finalise multi-line forms.
In any case...
Slash commands are finally here!
TL:DR; !gro -> /gro, !grolist -> /grolist, and every other commands except !grobulk because Discord doesn't have the tech to process multi-line slash commands yet.
As of 31 August 2022, Discord will be deprecating message commands (i.e. doing things with bots by sending messages - e.g. !gro blah), and are replacing it with "Slash Commands" (e.g. /gro blah). Message commands will not work from September 2022 onwards, unless if you mention GroceryBot directly.
While I disagree with Discord's nuclear option (and the fact that slash commands themselves aren't 100% finished), GroceryBot's slash commands comes with a lot of cool, nifty features such as auto-completion.
As always, I know this transition is a sudden one to everyone, but we do have to comply with Discord's policy. If you've got any suggestions, please feel free to hop onto our Discord server and mention me (@verzac) - we want to make sure that our users can get the best experience possible!
Links & References
I miss the old commands! Slash commands suck!
Don't worry, we're probably on the same boat. If you miss the old experience, you can always mention @GroceryBot
. e.g.
@GroceryBot !gro:my-list chicken
My slash commands don't work!
Re-invite the bot through the link on this site (at the bottom, in the footer).
Due to a botched invite link (Github issue here), some of our users who used that botched invite link were unable to use slash commands. This should have been fixed - if it doesn't work please hop on to our support server!
Your data is safe: your data will persist even if you kick the bot out of your server (until you run /groreset
). This is an intentional design decision to make re-invites easy.